

Beneficiary Assistance

Beneficiary Assistance

When a loved one passes away, beneficiaries are often overwhelmed with the complex financial matters that need to be addressed. Our goal is to provide guidance and support during this difficult time.

One of the key ways we help is by navigating the process of settling the deceased's estate with beneficiaries. This includes gathering all the important documents, inventorying financial assets, filing claims for death benefits, addressing Social Security benefits, life insurance, and helping with employer-sponsored retirement plans. We also assist beneficiaries with establishing their own beneficiary designations, recalculating tax withholding based on their new filing status, and facilitating the transfer of investment accounts. Moreover, we offer this service to beneficiaries without additional costs or fees. 

Our team will help beneficiaries devise a financial plan for managing inherited assets effectively. This involves reviewing the potential tax implications, assisting with estate plan administration, and developing an investment strategy aligned with each beneficiary's specific goals and risk tolerance. With our extensive experience and expertise, we strive to serve as a reliable guide, bringing financial clarity and understanding during this challenging period.


If you are a beneficiary of one of our deceased clients, here is an overview of the entire beneficiary process:

  1. Once we receive a copy of the death certificate, we will provide you with an overview of your share of the inheritance (type of account, approximate dollar amount, etc.).

  2. We will need each beneficiary to provide us basic personal and financial information. This can be done by completing our digital intake below, or by calling us and providing this information over the phone.

  3. Once we have an overview of your personal and financial situation we can begin the paperwork to transfer assets into your name. We can also offer more detailed guidance on taxes, potential planning strategies, and general financial and investment advice if desired.

  4. Once assets are transferred into your name, you’ll generally have several options:

    • Request a partial or lump-sum payout (taxes may apply).

    • Request a transfer to your existing financial advisor and/or financial institution.

    • Discuss working with one our advisors.